
15 Best Office Desk Plants in 2023


November 21, 2023

Vaishnavi M
Marketer, Phi Designs

Making a positive and inspirational workspace is crucial for efficiency, focus, and general well-being in today's hectic work situations.

A simple yet effective technique to improve the atmosphere and enhance the work experience in the busy office setting is to include office desk plants.

These tiny potted office desk plants not only add a touch of nature indoors, but they also have a number of advantages that can turn your workstation into a thriving haven of tranquilly and greenery.

In this post, we'll analyse the top 15 office desk plants for 2023, carefully chosen for their distinctive qualities and propensity to flourish in indoor settings.

Table of Contents

About Office Desk Plants

On a desk, a laptop is open and surrounded by a variety of  office desk plants. The greenery gives the office a hint of nature.
Image Source - pexels

Office Desk Plants are Deliberately Chosen to Flourish Indoors

Office desk plants are especially resourceful in locations where natural light and space may be few. These office desk plants were chosen because of how adaptable and low-maintenance they are, which makes them perfect for busy office settings.

They are available in a wide range of sizes, colours, and forms, so you may customise your workspace while taking use of all the benefits they provide.

Office Desk Plants are Specially Chosen to Resist the Environmental Challenges

Office desk plants help combat the challenges that come with working in an environment with artificial lighting, air conditioning, and a range of temperatures.

They were picked because they can survive in these conditions with little care and attention. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, these office desk plants help create a healthier and more enjoyable work environment.

Top 11 Benefits of Office Desk Plants

On a neat office desk with various potted plants around it, a laptop is placed.
Image Source - pexels

Before we delve into our list of the best office desk plants, let's take a moment to explore the benefits they bring to your workspace:

• Better Air Quality

Pollutants and stale air are frequently present in office settings. Office desk plants serve as organic air filters by removing pollutants and releasing oxygen, which results in cleaner, fresher air.

• Greater Productivity

According to studies, having office desk plants can improve focus, concentration, and productivity. You can work more effectively because of the natural surroundings, which help to lessen tension and weariness.

• Noise Abatement

Office desk plants may absorb sound and serve as a natural sound barrier. This can reduce interruptions and improve the work environment by making it quieter and more serene.

• Greater Well-Being

Environmental greenery has been associated with better physical and mental health. Plants can improve mood, ease anxiety, and have a relaxing impact. This results in a more positive work environment.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Let's not forget the visual appeal! Office desk plants add a touch of nature and beauty to your workspace, making it more visually appealing and enjoyable to spend time in.

• Stress Reduction  

Office environments can be stressful, but office desk plants can help alleviate some of that stress. Research has shown that being around plants can lower blood pressure and reduce feelings of anxiety, promoting a calmer and more relaxed state of mind.

• Improved Focus and Attention

Office desk plants have been found to enhance cognitive function and improve attention span. The presence of greenery can help increase mental clarity and concentration, allowing you to stay focused on your tasks.

• Boosts Creativity

Creativity is essential in many work environments, and office desk plants can help stimulate innovative thinking. The natural elements and soothing presence of plants can inspire fresh ideas and promote a more imaginative mindset.

• Health Benefits

Beyond air purification, office desk plants can have additional health benefits. They can help regulate humidity levels, reducing the risk of dry skin, respiratory problems, and allergies.

Office desk plants can also provide a natural barrier that helps prevent the spread of airborne illnesses.

• Positive Office Culture

Incorporating office desk plants into the workspace can contribute to a more positive and inclusive office culture.

They create a sense of connection with nature and provide a common topic of conversation, fostering camaraderie and a more enjoyable work atmosphere.

• Increased Job Satisfaction

Working in a pleasant and inviting environment can significantly impact job satisfaction.

The presence of office desk plants can make the workspace feel more personal and comfortable, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and overall happiness at work.

You can enjoy these extra advantages, which range from stress reduction and greater attention to enhanced creativity and a pleasant office culture, by adding office desk plants to your workspace.

So go ahead and select the ideal office desk plants to make your workspace a healthier, more effective, and attractive space.

5 Top Reasons to Buy Office Desk Plants

Several potted floral office desk plants are arranged together and ready for gift-giving.
Image Source - pexels

1. Gifts

Office desk plants make excellent gifts for colleagues, bosses, or employees. They are thoughtful and unique presents that can brighten up any workspace. Whether it's for a birthday, promotion, or just to show appreciation, an office desk plant is a gift that will be cherished.

2. Wellwishes

When a coworker is feeling under the weather or going through a challenging time, an office desk plant can serve as a symbol of well-wishes and support. Sending a plant to their desk can bring a smile to their face and serve as a reminder that they are cared for.

3. Farewell

Saying goodbye to a beloved colleague can be tough. An office desk plant can be a heartfelt parting gift, symbolizing growth, resilience, and a lasting memory of their time in the office. It's a thoughtful gesture that will be remembered even after they've moved on.

4. Productivity and Well-being

Another significant reason to buy office desk plants is to enhance productivity and well-being in the workplace.

Many office desk plants have air-purifying properties and can help remove toxins and pollutants from the air. Cleaner air can lead to better focus, concentration, and overall cognitive function, ultimately boosting productivity.

5. Branding and Aesthetics

Office desk plants can also play a significant role in branding and aesthetics within the workplace. Incorporating office desk plants that align with your company's brand image can help reinforce your brand identity.

For example, if your brand emphasizes sustainability, using a variety of lush, green office desk plants can symbolize your commitment to environmental consciousness.

Now that we've explored the reasons to buy office desk plants, let's dive into our list of the 15 best office desk plants in 2023.

Each of these office desk plants has its own unique qualities and benefits that make them perfect for office desk settings. Let's explore each plant in detail:

Here’s 15 Best Office Desk Plants to have in 2023:

Snake (Sansevieria Trifasciata) Office Desk Plant

Snake Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

The snake office desk plant not only adds a touch of modern elegance to your desk but also improves air quality by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.

Its ability to thrive in low light conditions and withstand neglect makes it the perfect choice for busy office spaces.

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Price Range:


Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum) Office Desk Plant

Pothos Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

Pothos is a versatile office desk plant that effortlessly adds a pop of green to any workspace.

Its cascading vines create a visually appealing display, while its air-purifying properties help to eliminate harmful pollutants from the air, promoting a healthier work environment.

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Price Range:

₹300- ₹1000

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas  Zamiifolia) Office Desk Plant

ZZ Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

The ZZ plant is a true survivor, thriving in low light and requiring minimal watering. This office desk plant is glossy, dark green leaves add a touch of sophistication to your desk, making it a stylish and low-maintenance choice for any office setting.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) Office Desk Plant

Peace Lily Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

The peace lily is  not only known for its elegant white flowers but also its ability to purify the air by removing toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.

This office desk plant is lush, dark green foliage creates a calming and serene atmosphere, making it a perfect addition to any office desk.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Spider (Chlorophytum Comosum) Office Desk Plant

Spider Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

The spider plant is a resilient and adaptable choice for office desk settings.

This office desk plant has arching leaves and dangling spiderettes create a visually interesting display, while its air-purifying qualities contribute to a healthier indoor environment by reducing levels of formaldehyde and xylene.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Jade (Crassula Ovata) Office Desk Plant

Jade Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

The jade plant is not only a symbol of prosperity but also a hardy and low-maintenance desk plant.

This office desk plant is fleshy, vibrant green leaves store water, allowing it to withstand periods of neglect and infrequent watering. Placing a jade plant on your desk brings positive energy and abundance to your workspace.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) Office Desk Plant

Aloe Vera Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

Aloe vera is not just a beautiful addition to your desk; it also offers numerous medicinal properties.

This office desk plant has gel-filled leaves can be used to soothe minor burns and skin irritations, making it a practical and handy plant to have in the office.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


English lvy (Hedera Helix) Office Desk Plant

English Ivy Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

English ivy is a classic choice for adding a touch of elegance to your desk.

This office desk plant has trailing vines and lush foliage create a visually appealing display, while its air-purifying properties help to reduce airborne mold particles, making it beneficial for those with allergies or respiratory sensitivities.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Succulents (Various Types) Office Desk Plant

Succulents Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

Succulents come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, making them a versatile choice for office desk plants.

Their unique and eye-catching forms add a trendy and modern touch to your workspace, while their low-maintenance nature makes them suitable for even the busiest professionals.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Serifrizl) Office Desk Plant

Bamboo Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

The bamboo palm brings a touch of the tropics to your desk, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

This office desk plant has feathery, palm-like fronds not only add visual appeal but also help to filter indoor air pollutants, ensuring a cleaner and healthier work environment.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Rubber (Ficus Elastica) Office Desk Plant

Rubber Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

The rubber plant is a statement-maker with its large, glossy leaves and bold presence. This office desk plant adds a touch of sophistication to any desk while helping to improve indoor air quality by removing toxins like formaldehyde.

Its adaptability to various light conditions makes it a versatile choice for office settings.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Philodendron (Philodendron Selloum) Office Desk Plant

Philodendron Office Desk Plant
Image Source - pexels

Philodendrons are known for their lush and vibrant foliage, making them a popular choice for office desk plants.

Their ability to thrive in low light conditions and their air-purifying qualities make them an excellent addition to any workspace.

The philodendron's cascading leaves create a visually stunning display, adding a touch of natural beauty to your desk.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata) Office Desk Plant  

Boston Fern Office Desk Plants
Image Source - pexels

The Boston fern is a classic choice for adding a touch of lushness to your desk.

This office desk plant has feathery fronds create a vibrant and fresh look, while its preference for bright, indirect light makes it a perfect companion for well-lit office spaces.

Regular misting to maintain humidity levels helps to keep the fern healthy and thriving.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


African Violet (Saintpaulia lonantha) Office Desk Plant

African Violet Office Desk Plants
Image Source - pexels

African violets are compact office desk plants that produce clusters of delicate and colorful flowers, adding a charming touch to your desk.

Their preference for bright, indirect light makes them suitable for office settings with ample natural or artificial light. Consistent watering and care will reward you with their beautiful blooms.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana) Office Desk Plant

Lucky Bamboo Office desk plants
Image Source - pexels

Lucky bamboo is not only considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity but also a visually appealing addition to your desk.

This office desk plant requires minimal care, thriving in low light conditions and only requiring occasional watering. Its elegant stalks twisted into various shapes bring a sense of tranquility and positive energy to your workspace.

Available for Purchase at:

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Price Range:


By incorporating these office desk plants into your workspace, you can enjoy the numerous benefits they offer, from improved air quality and increased productivity to a more visually appealing and soothing environment.

Choose the office desk plants that best suit your preferences and the lighting conditions of your office, and experience the positive impact they can have on your well-being and work performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Office Desk Plants

Several office desk plants and a laptop are placed on a workstation to create a relaxing and rejuvenating atmosphere.
Image Source - pexels

Can Office Desk Plants Thrive in Low Light Conditions?

Yes, many office desk plants are suitable for low light conditions. Plants such as snake plants, ZZ plants, and pothos can tolerate and thrive in environments with limited natural light.

How often should I Water my Office Desk Plants?

The watering frequency depends on the specific plant and its needs. It's essential to strike a balance and avoid overwatering or underwatering. Most office desk plants thrive with regular watering when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Do Office Desk Plants require Special Care?

Office desk plants are typically low-maintenance and easy to care for. However, they still require some attention, such as regular watering, occasional fertilizing, and ensuring they receive adequate light for optimal growth.

Can Office Desk Plants Improve Air Quality?

Yes, many office desk plants have air-purifying qualities. Plants such as peace lilies, snake plants, and spider plants are known to filter out toxins and improve indoor air quality.

Are Office Desk Plants Suitable for Small Workspaces?

Yes, office desk plants come in various sizes, including compact options that are well-suited for small workspaces. You can choose office desk plants like succulents or small ferns that won't take up much space but still bring the benefits of greenery.

Do Office Desk Plants Require Direct Sunlight?

While some office desk plants thrive in bright, indirect light, there are also plants that can tolerate and even thrive in low light conditions. It's essential to select office desk plants that are suitable for the available light in your workspace.

How do I Prevent Pests from Affecting my Office Desk Plants?

To prevent pests, it's crucial to maintain good plant hygiene. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of pests, such as aphids or spider mites. If you spot any, isolate the affected plant and treat it with an appropriate solution or seek advice from a local plant expert.

Can Office Desk Plants Reduce Stress in the Workplace?

Yes, studies have shown that the presence of office desk plants in the workplace can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm. The natural elements and visual appeal of office desk plants contribute to a more soothing and relaxing environment.

What are Some Tips for Choosing the Right Office Desk Plants?

When selecting office desk plants, consider factors such as lighting conditions, maintenance requirements, and the available space. Choose office desk plants that fit well with your workspace and align with your preferences and level of commitment to care for them.

Can Office Desk Plants Boost Creativity?

Yes, having office desk plants can enhance creativity and promote a more inspiring work environment. The presence of greenery and natural elements has been linked to improved cognitive function and creative thinking.

Office Desk Plants: Hope we got you Covered!

Image of a smartphone displaying search results for office desk plants, placed next to a laptop amidst lush greenery.
Image Source - pexels

Adding office desk plants to your workspace is a simple yet effective way to enhance productivity, well-being, and the overall aesthetic appeal of your office.

The 15 office desk plants mentioned in this article offer a variety of options, from low-maintenance succulents to air-purifying plants.

Whether you're looking to spruce up your desk or find the perfect gift for a colleague, these plants are sure to bring beauty and benefits to any office setting.

So, go ahead and choose the office desk plant that speaks to you, and enjoy the positive impact it brings to your work environment.

Incorporating office desk plants not only adds natural beauty to your workspace but also improves air quality, reduces stress, and boosts productivity. Choose the perfect plant and experience the transformative power of nature in your office.

written by :
Vaishnavi M

Vaishnavi is a skilled marketer with a passion for commercial interior design. She combines her expertise in marketing with her love for design to share insights on creating impactful and functional workspaces.

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